Marxam Project Quality Policy
Quality Policy
Marxam Project is a company operating in the industry of designing and manufacturing metal elements, production lines and machine assemblies.
The owner of the company undertakes to continuously improve the Quality Management System by defining and fulfilling the following objectives:
1. Studying the needs, expectations and satisfaction of our customers in the field of designing and manufacturing machine parts, devices and specialist tools.
2. Applying the principles of a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 in current business activities.
3. Optimal use of energy and material resources.
4. Constant improvement of the quality of manufactured details and assemblies by monitoring production processes, minimizing complaints and timely execution of orders.
5. Raising the professional qualifications of employees through a properly selected and supervised training process and improvement of the internal organizational structure.
6. Raising ecological awareness among employees and suppliers.
7. Using only proven suppliers of materials and subcontractors of services that meet quality requirements.
8. The management board of the company creates conditions and climate for each employee to understand their tasks and responsibility for the quality of the services offered.
The established and communicated Quality Policy obliges all employees to consciously implement the assumed quality objectives and tasks, meet the requirements and continuously improve the quality management system.
The Quality Policy is an integral part of the company’s policy and is communicated to employees in the organization and available to all interested customers.

Quality management system in Marxam Project is a guarantee to customer’s satisfaction.